
5 foods will help relieve stress, stress

When feeling tense emotional stress occurs, many people choose other ways to relieve stress. Leisurely walk through the brain or many other ways, the Web Health Food and Health Network 24 also introduced some food for effective intake can combat apparently stress:
1: Banana
Bananas, rich in potassium, an essential mineral helps relieve emotional tension was eating. Compound amino acid tryptophan in bananas helps you feel calm, helping produce the hormone serotonin (hormone feel fresh).

2. Milk or sour milk
Milk or sour milk (yogurt), fortified with calcium and B vitamins are good for growing bones and teeth and essential for health nervous. In milk or yogurt also contains Aristophanes, which helps you feel calm, relieve stress. Eating a cup of milk before bedtime is recommended by many health experts to help you slow-wave sleep.

3. Orange
Many oranges are rich in vitamin C. Vitamin C in oranges helps strengthen the immune system and anti-stress. Vitamin C, an antioxidant that helps maintain control free radicals and repair old cells of the body.

4. Fish Fish, especially tuna fish stimulant rich in omega 3, which helps to better reduce emotional stress. Omega-3 fatty acids that help prevent heart health from heart disease.

5. Grain
Grains rich in B vitamins, magnesium, fiber helps to keep blood sugar levels and helps eliminate stress. Grains rich in B vitamins, magnesium, fiber helps to keep blood sugar levels and helps eliminate stress. The fruit (nut can be bought at the supermarket), peanuts, rich in B vitamins, vitamin E, magnesium, zinc helps relieve stress effective too.

5 foods will help relieve stress, stress 5 foods will help relieve stress, stress Reviewed by Anonymous on 4:21:00 PM Rating: 5

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